Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My New Favorite Site

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There are two words that can make this momma's heart soar: "free" and "organized". And both of those words are tied up in this handy little site that I stumbled on the other day.

Cozi is a FREE (yup, there's that word!!) online family organizer. You can track your daily/monthly calendar, create to-do lists, make a family journal - and it's accessible from anywhere you can find a computer (including your cell phone). You can email yourself messages, lists, access your grocery list from the store (in case you forgot it at home)....oooo...the possibilities are endless.

Did I mention you can color-code family members to keep track of who's going where and when? This is so up my organized alley!!

I love the fact that my hubby can have quick access to our calendar by logging in at work and I can print off my week at a glance or even month at a glance. Just amazingly cool!!

Cozi also makes a screensaver photo collage for you using your own pictures that includes appointment reminders for your day's schedules as well as the current time.

I've made my CoziCentral site my home landing page for my Internet browser so when I log onto the internet, my schedule is right there in front of me to see - that, along with the screen saver feature keeps me right on top of things! I can add items onto my grocery list using the site too and then print it off later.

There is a little video tour that you can take on the main Cozi site to get a visual look at how the site works, so be sure to check it out. Hope this helps you out!

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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