Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mostly Strange

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Why is it that a vehicle can be annoyingly choosy as to who it "acts up" to? Can you explain that to me?

Our van has been acting a little strange most of the time. Enough that I generally desire to stay clear of the interstate and have no desire to go on any extended road trips with it. And by most I mean it does it everyday when I drive it, yet somehow seems to recover each time we take it to our mechanic.

Call me a little over-anxious if you will, but to me fun is not spelled "sitting-on-the-side-of-the-road-waiting-for-a-tow-truck-while-18-wheeled-instruments-of-death-go-flying-by".

Not that I desire to dish out thousands of dollars (hundreds would be much nicer, thank you very much) to have something fixed, but I don't want somethng going wrong at a most inopportune time - which would be most times since I'm never in the van by myself. There are those four little bugs hanging out in the backseats.

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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